Populární filtry
Nikdo nemá právo určovat hranice normálnosti. Ale co když se to stalo skrytou zbraní, která je namířená proti zdravým lidem? Proč mají lidé v naší společnosti strach říct ,,to už je moc"? Kdy pojmenovat psychopatii? Je potřeba...
Contemporary / British EnglishMatilda is a clever and unusual little girl. But her parents aren’t...
A glimpse into the ordinary to the insane everyday lives of TUFF LADIES throughout the ages. This book is a collection of stories from extraordinary women who had something worth fighting for. From the Samurai and gunslingers of the wild west to a girl...
Knihapevná vazba606 Kč-5 %Více než 30 dní
Party on, dudes! This excellent book of wit and wisdom celebrates the genius of the world-famous Wyld Stallyns and their time-traveling adventure. Once, Bill and Ted made history...
Knihapevná vazba345 KčSkladem 1 ks
Could you and your friends change the world? This book will inspire you with 15 true stories of groups of amazing humans who've changed the world. Discover the astonishing things humans can achieve: from the campaign for women's votes...
Knihabrožovaná vazba199 KčSkladem 1 ks
Out of the ravages of war came hope. How an act of kindness inspired millions worldwide. When war came to Syria, many fled the once beautiful city of Aleppo and were forced to become refugees in far-flung places...
Knihabrožovaná vazba318 KčSkladem 1 ks
Píše se 23. květen 1701, kapitána William Kidd je odsouzen za pirátství a popraven na břehu Temže. Končí život jednoho z nejznámějších korzárů všech dob, náš příběh ovšem právě začíná...
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L'inspecteur Simoni s'offre quelques jours de repos a La Rochelle. Il veut visiter cette ville, oublier Paris et ne plus penser a son travail. Mais quand on est policier, le métier vous poursuit jusque sur votre lieu de vacances. A peine...
Knihabrožovaná vazba142 KčVíce než 30 dní
66 steps for getting your health 100% This is the simple manual for a healty and happier life. Being healthier and happier this year does not have to be a drastic change or any kind of detox or cleanse. You must make a small changes at a time wants...
129 KčIhned ke stažení
A simple manual for a successful date. I wanted to write this book primarily for men, but women will, too, find good advice in it. If just one man gets his dream woman thanks to this book, then it's been worth writing. However, I am sure it will, in...
109 KčIhned ke stažení
A passionate, unfulfilled woman considers her life and her marriage in this moving novella by one of America's finest short story writers...
Knihabrožovaná vazba61 Kč-5 %Skladem 1 ks
Dans le village, tout le monde l'appelait la petite Fadette parce qu'elle avait la taille d'un farfadet et les pouvoirs d'une fée. Comme sa grand-mere, elle guérissait les hommes et les animaux. Dans les environs, la famille Barbeau était une...
Knihabrožovaná vazba68 Kč-6 %Více než 30 dní
En 1712, deux Persans, Usbek et Rica, quittent leur pays et vont s'installer a Paris. Leur séjour dans la capitale française dure huit ans. A travers les lettres qu'ils écrivent a leurs amis persans ou qu'ils s'envoient quand ils ne sont pas...
Knihabrožovaná vazba160 KčVíce než 30 dní
Dostoevsky's portrayal of the Catholic Church during the Inquisition is a plea for the power of pure faith, and a critique of the tyrannies of institutionalized religion. This is an except from the Brothers Karamazov which stands alone as a statement...
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Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Secret agent Ian Munro is sent to...
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